
Advantages Of Wildtree Organic Foods Charleston

By Elaine Guthrie

Consumption of food is not a factor that began yesterday. That is because at the moment any man is born there is food to be feed to the person although the food varies from age to age and form state to state there is constantly food for every person as they grow. The fact of eating only makes one think more when it comes to consumption of organic food. Most of the parties that consume wildtree organic foods Charleston do so because they are aware of the effects that come into play due to consumption of genetically modified food.

The red Indians are among the common race of people that are slowly heading back to consumption of wild natural food. This is due to the knowledge that the altered food has dire effects on them and changes the way they think and do their matter. Some of them have fully allocated their time to turn to hunting and gathering of organic matter and food as they were taught by their fore fathers. This awareness brings many people to think about what they eat.

Fruits are found in plenty anywhere man dwells but again the quality of these fruit varies, this is because in man made conditions man cannot replicate the exact conditions of growth as in the wild where everything changes and is also constant. This brings in a difference in the quality of fruits man has as compared to the fruits nature has to offer. The level of nutrients found in these fruits is way much higher as compared to the man made fruit trees.

Mushrooms crop up everywhere as long as there is decomposing matter on the environment. In the wild, mushrooms crop differently. They crop without any catalyst and interference by man. At the end of the cycle the mushrooms found in wild are organic and tend to be more nutritious and sweeter as compared to those planted by man.

Most of these trees and fruits tend to have very many medicinal values that most wild trees grown in nature tend not to have or have them in diminishing quantities. This is attributed to the environment which these trees grow and the kind of nutrients that come into place before with the trees and the shrubs.

Besides the trees there also exists the shrubs and the bushes underneath the trees. This not only provide cover from erosion but also provide a large number of berries that we consume, some provide a good variety of medication we take today and some provide barks and root for purposes like curing bad odour and brushing of teeth.

Most wild animals that consume this wild vegetation form an important part of the eco system, as the system maintains their health they also nourish the soil with the nutrients they extract from the leaves and fruits.

Organic food consumption is a privilege that most people take due to health reasons, we should not wait till our health is wanting in order to act; we should react before our health act.

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