
Discovering The Plus Points Of Consuming Certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil

By Francis Riggs

Olive oils are being consumed by Increasing numbers of people who are becoming aware of the advantages of including it into a dietary program. Many consumers, however, are unaware of the differences amongst certified extra virgin olive oil and alternative products in the marketplace.

As the most superior grade, by definition this level of produce has to be derived from fruit harvested for the specific purpose of producing olive oil. No ingredients can be added or taken from other sources. Cold pressed extraction of the oil through mechanical components ensures that the chemical structure of the oil cannot be altered through heating or other chemically driven extraction processes.

A major reason why extra virgin offers the best grade is due to the fruit being picked at the point of optimal ripeness. Naturally it is easy for anybody to make and print false claims on the outside of a bottle and this does occur. This is why reputable producers will go to the extent of obtaining certification. Produce is only certified if it meets certain minimum requirements as laid down by a recognized controlling body. The California Olive Oil Council is the controlling body in America whilst the International Olive Council is active every where else.

Looking for filtered oil is always a good idea. Unfiltered oils become affected by the particles of fruit and juices that may enter during the process. This will bring on premature aging and the taste will deteriorate over product lifetime. Quality also worsens due to excessive exposure to light. For this reason top producers use dark glass in the bottling process. As with all fresh produce, look for an expiry date, good quality products will always have one.

Going back to plus points, although these will vary from one person to the other, the following are prominent. The most widely discussed beneficial occurrence is the reduction in LDL or bad cholesterol that may come about. The only vegetable oil to contain polyphenols, it is this compound that brings this about. In addition they perform effectively as an antioxidant.

Thought to boost metabolism it may be used as an effective digestive aid that also promotes regular bowel movements. It aids in the growing of healthy bones and brain development. Phenols, discussed earlier, are understood to have anti-inflammatory properties which is another boost for cardiovascular health.

Plasma Oleic Acid is a compound that has been investigated recently because of the influence it plays in the reduction of stroke attacks in older people. Research is continuing in this area but it is thought to assist by improving the elasticity and flexibility of blood carrying vessels. An extension of this theory has been linked to Alzheimer disease based conditions in that oleic acid has been thought to retard plaque from forming within the brains of sufferers.

Research conducted at the University Medical School in Naples, reported that diets rich in olive oils have been seen to lower blood sugar levels and allowed patients to regulate insulin levels more effectively. Considering that many of the conditions mentioned are becoming increasingly common in modern society, there might be more to the use of this very different vegetable oil than meets the eye.

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